Sunday, May 28, 2017

Trial Hike 27 May 2017

Trial Hike
27 May 2017

8.00am- Squad Fall-In
8.05am- Muster Parade
8.15am- Plotting of MGR
9.15am- Start of trial hike
11.45am- End Hike/Gather in Chuch
12.00pm- SAAD
12.40pm- Dismissal
12.50pm- Debrief

Venue: Church
Attire: PT-KIT
TTB: Writing Material, Adventure notes, 1.5litre waterbottle, tower,(poncho or umbrella) and Insect repellent. (Must)

NCO/IC: CPL YangSheng
OIC: Officer Zhenhui
Singalong leader: LCP Raphael

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